Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dat Journey Doh.

Urghurghle. Journey map(s) in progress for main studio class. Sticky notes on the left and right will soon be on that wall, and all that sh*t on the left, paper, writing utensils, and other material - it'll be cleaned up.. hopefully soon.

Two videos to edit following the completion of these things and then off to sketching for ID Form homework! :D -.-

Happy Saturday night everyone.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Id Form for JerJer

Sample of ID Form, week 1 for Monsieur Jeremy. Draw through, always have/use center lines, shade, drop shadow, contour lines, line weight. Focus of the class is proportion and perspective, so make sure two views of an object look as alike as possible! Let me know if you try it Jer!